
Supporting Queen City Bronze

Queen City Bronze is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution helps us continue our mission in performance, education, and training. Ongoing expenses include equipment maintenance, instrument acquisition, travel, and providing educational services to the Cincinnati handbell community. 

Memorial gifts or donations in honor of someone give you the opportunity to make a special contribution to Queen City Bronze. Examples of specific items that expand our ability to provide high-quality, musical performance include the following:

Silver Melody Bells with case – $10,500

Three foot handbell table with foam – $400 each

New Music – $110 (15 copies of one title)

New Music Commission – $3,000

You can donate with a credit card through Paypal by following the link below, or send a check made out to Queen City Bronze to P.O. Box 76255, Highland Heights, KY 41076.

If you wish to become a sustaining partner or donate in memory or in honor of someone, please contact Joe Galyon, Music Director.

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